Drastic increase in Covid-19 cases stun the world, made it stationary, isolated the people, disrupted the world supply chain and made everyone's first priority health. The growing pandemic made most countries suffer both economically and healthcare. Countries across world struggling to identify Covid infected patients and isolate them, the infection is spreading very fast and testing is slow compared to spread. Under the use of RT-PCR(Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction) based testing to identify the viral infection is consuming lot of time and delay in laboratory results could pave way for more spread. Now question arises, What is the most promising testing approach that could help to identify the infected persons quickly? and answer is rapid testing kits, looks similar to one used in pregnancy testing, but the approach is totally different. Each kit is used to identify antibodies generated in body, antibodies IgG and IgM are generated in response to infection. And each kit contains 20 cassettes, cassettes are long testing device, contains one side indicator and other side a small pit kind arrangement in which samples (blood/plasma/serum) and buffer solution are added. The indicator side highlights three or less lines, first is control line (C), second line for IgG and third line for IgM. Presence of anyone antibody or both are indicated with red lines along with control line (C), this indicates presence of Coronavirus infections, i.e., positive result, if only control line (C) is present it is considered as no infection, negative result.
To tackle and stop rapid spreading infection, need for high test sampling rate and in such case rapid testing kits helps to bring out results very quick, less than 15 minutes. There are many companies which provides these kits and are in high demand in most infected countries. As companies claim that, these kits are not sole examination process for confirming Covid-19 cases, these kits just tells whether the individual is infected recently or not. Rapid testing kits are used to segregate the suspect group into infected/not infected, and more laboratory investigations are carried out on segregated group to further divide them into coronavirus related infection and other infections.
The rapid kits play vital role in testing more and more samples and helps to identify infections at initial stage and isolate those infected and stop further chain of spread. There are many manufacturing companies like Biolidics, SDBiosensor, Biomedomics, HLL Lifecare India and many across the world are capable to meet demand in millions. Rapid Testing kits save hours of time consumed in laboratory examinations like RT-PCR and also increases sample rate and bring down cost considerably low, playing a vital role in identifying COVID-19 cases effectively.
Biolidics is one of the leading diagnostic solution company based in Singapore. Click the name to know more about there rapid testing kits for COVID-19.
You can know more about how samples for COVID-19 testing are collected and handled. Click on name to know about it in Public health website based in Ontario.
SD Bio-sensor company is one of the diagnostic company from South korea. Click on name to know more about there COVID-19 rapid testing kits' working.